Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lady Gaga Concert

So last night was the Lady Gaga concert I had bought tickets months ago on pre-sale!  I will admit that I am a HUGE gaga fan and this night was a celebration of all things Gaga!  Stacy and I pull up to the downtown Phoenix area to find every person in their best "Gaga wear".  I'm talking about drag queens with painted faces, people without tops basically, and hair as high as the eye could see!  Every Gaga photo ever taken was represented with someone who dressed as her.  Stacy and I felt as though we were in the Twilight zone and that WE were the abnormal people at this place!  We get inside the show take a seat after our $40 t-shirt purchases (a must to document this event!) and see the opening act stripping on stage.  No joke a full on costume change took place on the middle of the stage!  Stacy and I in disbelief, laughing really hard, make our way to meet up with her friend who happened to be at the concert.  Homeboy was decked out in a purple American Apparel shirt, silver skintight leggings, black suspenders, black boots, and a purple lightening bolt on his face.  You could not avoid the craziness so we embraced it.  The second Lady Gaga hits the stage we went into a zone.  The whole audience goes insane and the rest of the show was a performance of a lifetime!  It was possibly an experience I will never be able to compare.  There is fire, lights, fog, people popping up from below the stage, dancing, crazy boots, and insane costumes.  After experiencing that you feel like you have taken a look into something so far from reality that you want to spice up your own life!  I don't think I will go as far as Gaga fans do, but it is just a motivator to not get stuck in the day by day routine.  Can't wait until the next concert experience in October, but this time Carrie Underwood!  A little different but will most likely prove to be an amazing time as well!   

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