Thursday, October 14, 2010

Long Time Coming

So I suppose it has been a while, since the last blog I wrote about my hair and whatnot.  There has been sooooo much going on in my life!  First of all I was recently given a new assignment and new opportunity at work.  My role involves calling on accounts like Target, K-Mart, and Danny's.  I get to work with the buyers on these accounts and sell at a key account or chain level which will for sure allow me to expand my skill sets currently!  I am really excited to see what Pepsi has in store for me, so I have been working all kinds of crazy hours!  Lets see...I have traveled the past TWO weekends, so lets touch upon that.  Well weekend one was yet again a Vegas inspired girls' weekend!  Honestly I can only sum the weekend up with one emotion: LAUGHTER!  I don't know that I have danced/laughed so hard on both car rides. 

This weekend I traveled to my dream home city of CHICAGO!!!! I had many reasons for going on this particular weekend.  First and foremost to see Mary, one of my best friends from school.  I don't know about ya'll but I have a few friends that live pretty much across the country from me.  They somehow seem to be my best friendships though.  I think having the ability to not see someone in person for several months at a time, but being able to be yourself and feel like we never missed a beat when I do see them is so valuable.  Mary is one of the only people from college like that for me.  Secondly, I ventured to the Windy City to see my unbelievably inspiring aunt run the Chicago Marathon!!!! I didn't know this but this specific marathon draws close to 50000 people every year!  Just watching these people run the streets of Chicago was enough motivation to continue training and pushing for my half marathon in Jan.  There is something about the Chicago lifestyle that makes me feel inspired all together.  I think it is the idea of so many people living/working/moving around is just the epitome of what being someone in their early 20's needs to experience at some point.  It what every chick lit book is about, either that or NYC.  I didn't know if there would be any way I would live in a huge metro city like Chi-town, but after my few visits I could legitimately see myself there at some point.  All I have to say is if you haven't been to this wonderful place you will have to visit!!! The highlights of places we went were the 3 story H&M, having drinks and appetizers on the top of the John Hancock Building, going to this hipster place in Bucktown called The Violet Hour, and breakfast at EATT Cafe.  I have a couple of weeks back to recoop before California November starts!  I will be making not one but TWO trips in the month so stay tuned! :-)

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